

Nobel Oil Services launches a series of awareness sessions for its group of companies third party suppliers

Nobel Oil Services launches a series of awareness sessions for its group of companies third party suppliers


Nobel Oil Services maintains an effective Ethics and Compliance program, 鼓励员工和业务合作伙伴按照合规要求和公司政策行事. 作为道德与合规实施战略的一部分,诺贝尔石油服务(英国)有限公司向集团公司的主要供应商和供应商介绍了意识会议,旨在提高业务运营的透明度.

公司首席商务官, 致开幕词,强调道德与合规部门的重要性,以及其在制定公司战略方面的作用,该战略遵循公司的核心价值观:诚信, 质量, 安全, 一个团队, 和卓越. 以这些原则为指导, Nobel Oil Services ensures the transparent and effective selection process of third-party suppliers and vendors.

会议期间,Narmina Gardashkhanova, 公司合规官, introduced the structure and working mechanism of the Compliance Committee headed by the CEO of the Company. The Committee ensures conformity of corporate Policies and Procedures to the UK and local laws and regulations. 作为在英国注册的公司, Nobel Oil Services duly developed its Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and Code of Conduct. 公司有效地管理“分享你的关注”热线,作为举报的手段,并鼓励其供应商和供应商在出现相关情况时提出申诉. 本公司保证所有案件将由诺贝尔石油服务公司的合规官以公平和公正的方式进行审查.

“Vendor validation became a mandatory process before entering into a business relationship with each company. 计划定期与公司的所有供应商和供应商进行此类会议,以确保透明的供应商验证过程和最佳服务提供商的选择,纳尔米娜·加达什哈诺娃说. 她补充说:“我们通过热线彻底审查所有出现的案件,以发现和消除可能威胁公司业务和最重要的声誉的漏洞。.

At the end of the session there were several case studies presented and discussed with participants.


Business entities operating within Nobel Oil Services (UK) Limited provide 钻井, 施工及项目管理, 以及设备维护, 采购和提高采油服务.